Title: Internationally acclaimed recording and performing artist, two-time Latin GRAMMY® nominated artist -producer - audio engineer
Country: Puerto Rico
"Rhino ligatures are the probably the greatest ligatures on the planet, hands down! What impresses me the most about the "Rhino" is that it is flexible enough to assist me in what it is I'm trying to create from my mind and my heart at the present moment. The very innovate mechanism of the ligature itself is designed to help execute the variety of sounds, dynamics, emotions, and colors that the artist is trying to create. I've played using other ligatures in the past, finding that they all carry its limitations. Rhino ligatures don't have limitations. One of the most fascinating features it has its mechanism which allows the play to switch the intensity and focus of the grip, giving the musician freedom to choose what type of timbre he/she desires to project at any given time. The characteristic that it possesses surpasses both vintage ligatures and the ligatures designed today. The sound which is produced by anyone who dares to play the Rhino will realize that it embodies the tonal essence of the past innovators, can be played in the modern stylings of today, and sets the highest standard for the future of saxophone playing. My recommendation to anyone who is serious about being able to express themselves at their maximum potential is this: Use Rhino ligatures!" |